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[桌遊到貨] 最新KS遊戲Fantastic Factories到貨

最新KS遊戲Fantastic Factories現貨已經到咗!仲有斷貨多時嘅5 Minute Dungeon都番貨啦!數量有限,有興趣嘅朋友可以聯絡番我哋或者上番我地Online Store選購。

Fantastic Factories 售價 HKD320 5 分鐘地下城大盒版(連Curses Foiled Again Expansion) 售價 HKD350

查詢電話/Whatsapp: 53935367 網上購買(接受信用卡付款): Click Here

Fantastic Factories Fantastic Factories is a dice placement, engine building tabletop game for 1 to 5 players and takes 45 to 60 minutes to play. Players build a set of factories into their compound and then roll dice to use as workers. With over 35 different blueprints, you can discover endless inventive and creative ways your factories can work together.

5 分鐘地下城大盒版 (連Curses Foiled Again Expansion) This Bog Box include both Core and Curses! Folied Again! Expansion. In Curses! Foiled Again! the Dungeon Master has unearthed a book of magical curses, and unleashed terrifying new threats to haunt the heroes.

Curses! Foiled Again! is an expansion for 5-Minute Dungeon that brings new challenges and abilities to the party in their quest to defeat the Dungeon Master. The expansion adds Boss Cards to the Dungeon, two new heroes (Druid and Shaman), and powerful Artifacts that can be activated once per dungeon to help the party. This expansion also adds support for up to 6 players.

Homepage: Facebook page: Instragram: YouTube Channel: 地址: 油麻地上海街393號二樓全層(大堂按2字)

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